Fundraiser campaign for end of 2021 projects:

We want to end this 2021 year with the accomplishment of two important projects that will benefit both, families from the rural communities that we support, and our volunteers:
  • Fixing this small junk car.
  • End of year event for our kids.

The last year and a half hasn't been easy for almost anyone, in fact, they have been really hard times for many people, many families.

We are planning two tremendous projects for this end of 2021:
Fix this small junk car.
Visit the kids from the fields to bring them help.

With over 215000 kilometers (+133000 miles) through freeways, highways, dirt roads and trails, this small junk car has been doing a great job during the past 9 years picking up tons of donations of food, clothes, school supplies, toys and much more, bringing them to over 130 families in several rural communities, and also serving as transport for volunteers.

But time and use do not forgive to this 2008 model, and with limited resources it's hard to mantain it in optimal conditions.

Gear, ignition, electrical wiring, wipers motor, water pump, radiator, springs, belts, air conditioning, oil leaks, clutch, rattling engine, broken and damaged seats, and much more, just to mention the most visible needs for repair.
End of 2021 is the moment to visit the kids and their families from diferent rural communities to bring warm clothes, blankets, and some extra food for them for the winter season.

It has been two years since our last visit to these kids, two years without helping them and we can not forget these families from the fields. We can not forget those moms and dads that every day they find the way to bring food to their home with or without having jobs.

Some days there is a job in the fields that helps to make ends meet.
Some other days, there's only wild plants, chiles, a chicken and tortillas, if they are lucky enough.

I want to thank you in advance for taking the time read this post

If this is something you would like to support, there is no small donation, everything helps!

Again, thank you! I hope some day you could come visit Mexico City, I will be happy and honored to thank you personally.

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