Bilingual Family

Many mexican (or latinamerican) families have a family member or close relative living permanently in the USA, Canada or few other countries.

So, many of this families are use to listen or to learn a second language.

This is the beginig for so many mexican people to start thinking in a second language; because of curiosity, because is something natural in the family, perhaps, because want to imitate to those relatives from abroad.

In my case, My aunt use to come to visit us to Mexico. She lived in the USA since mid 60's. It was normal for us to grow listening my cousins speaking in english at home, in Mexico every summer vacations.

Been sayd this, what about native english speakers? do you have a family motivation to speak a second language, in this case, spanish?

Somebody close to your family is proficient bilingual? Does this member of the family is or was an inspiration or motivation for you?

Food for thoughts.

Your wannabe farmer living in the concrete jungle.

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Bilingual, because of your job or just for pleasure